1·It can give lead times of one or two weeks, instead of two months or more that would be needed for castings.
2·Now that I have made this catalogue of swindles and perversions, let me give another example of the kind of writing that they lead to.
3·Putting the scroll online will give scholars unlimited time with the pieces of parchment and may lead to new hypotheses, Shor said.
4·We're also going to lead in helping other countries create the kinds of education systems that give them opportunity.
5·This poll may be an outlier, but others give her a growing lead (see chart).
6·If you ask 5 people to give you their opinion, you will get 5 different answers. That input will lead to second guessing and confusion.
7·Opinion polls give the "si" camp a narrow lead, but many respondents are undecided.
8·The latest polls give Clinton a lead of between five and 10 percentage points in Pennsylvania. Clinton at one time led by 20 points.
9·“Koreans always want to show their best image to other people, ” he notes, but when this cannot be maintained, it can lead to a desire simply to “give up”.
10·This may lead to conflict with work and personal responsibilities, and people may even experience "relapses" if they try to give up.